Thursday, June 2, 2011


My dear friend Teresa (who has 3 month b/g twins) put together this wonderful list of companies who send you coupons or free products for having multiples. Yay!! If anyone knows of any others let us know:) Thanks Teresa.

Beechnut Baby Foods You can call 1-800-BEECHNUT ( 1-800-233-2468) to request a freebies new parents pack for your twins. They will include double the normal amount of coupons for products and and you'll get ongoing newsletters with additional coupons. You can also sign up for an online email newsletter. Beechnut newsletter for more coupons (I called them; got lots of coupons and 2 red baby spoons.)

Newsletter, product information and coupons 1-800-442-4221 Earth's Best Baby Foods (They wanted me to call back closer to the birth, or after they said they would send out coupons.)

Enfamil( Mead Johnson) - talk to your pediatrician after your babies are born and ask them to contact their local Enfamil representative who can issue a recommendation that free products be sent to the parents. You can also call 1-800-BABY-123 ( 1-800-222-9123) to join the Enfamil Family Beginnings Program for ongoing coupons through the mail.

Evenflo Call 1-800-233-5921 for information on receiving a freebies gift basket for twins. You'll need to send them proof of your babies by mail but call first to get registered. (They sent me some pacifiers.)

The First Years Write to them to request being a part of their Multiple Birth Program ( you'll need to send copies of the birth certificates) and get a free gift basket of rattles/toys. The mailing address is The First Years Attention Multiples , 100 Technology Center Dr, Ste 2A Stoughton, MA 02072 (They want proof after babies are born.)

Gerber Call 1-800-4-GERBER ( 1-800-443-7237) to sign up for the Gerber Supertwins program. You'll get coupons for free Gerber products- double the amount sent to parents of singletons. ( They sent two onesies and lots of cool coupons.)

Halo Sleep Sac - These are the BEST way to get your babies to sleep !!! Call 1-888-999-4256 - they offer buy one full price ( $24.95) get one for half price - ask for the twin discount! Get your babies to sleep

Heinz - Call 1-800-872-2229 to receive free stuff for twins - welcome packets for each of your twins - coupons for Heinz baby products and informational literature. (They sent coupons.)

Huggies-they will give you a one time gift of much higher-value coupons for parents of twins and you'll receive ongoing coupons through the mail after signing up for their program. Mail proof of birth to Kimberly Clark Corp. Dept. QMB PO Box 2020 Neenah, WI 54957-2020 (They want proof after babies are born.)

JC Penney Portraits There's an online form on the JC Penney website to sign up for their Multiple Birth Program. You can get a pair of portrait sitting coupons for your twins ( offers can vary)- Complete the online form here

Johnson and Johnson - Call 1-800-526-3967 to receive free stuff for twins- a twins pack that includes great coupons and informational literature on their baby products. (They sent coupons.)

McNeal Consumer Products The makers of Tylenol will send you free welcome packs for your twins if you call 1-800-962-5357 ( option #5) and make sure you tell them you have twins ! (Nothing, they directed me to their website,

Mom and Baby Works they offer deals for parents and multiples through their Multiple Births Program. They have buy one, get one free on selected products purchased directly through our 1-866-477-5144 Check them out here!

Nestle Infant Nutrition-Call 1-800-782-7766 to request the address and a registration code number so that you can mail them proof of your twins ( doctor's letter, crib cards, birth certificates), to get coupons for 2 free cans of Nestle Good Start DNA and RNA formula. Take all the freebies offers on formula that you can - it really adds up and you don't know at first which one you'll be using long term! You can also sign up for their free magazine online ( more coupons in here !) Nestle (They sent me two free cans of formula and two onesies.)

Oceanspray - Parents of twins can receive a special deal on Oceanspray product coupons in the Multiple Birth Program. Send a copy of proof of your twins birth to Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. One Ocean Spray Drive, Lakeville-Middleboro, MA 02349 (They want proof after they are born.)

Pampers or Luvs - Call 1-800-726-7377 to request a freebie package as part of their Pampers Multiples Birth program or call 1-800-665-3257 for a freebies package from the Luvs Multiple Birth program. You'll get coupons for diapers and wipes and product samples. Sign up for both ! (They want proof after they are born.)

Playtex Diaper Genie - to be part of their Multiple Birth Program and get a coupon for $7.00 off a Diaper Genie and other coupons send your name and address and proof of your twins birth to Playtex Diaper Genie, 20 Troy Road, Whittany, NJ, 07981 (They sent three coupons for 6.99 off of a diaper genie or refill.)

Preschoolian Shoes- Fax copies of the birth certificates to 1-866-681-1081 ( toll free) and include your email addy. They will email you back a code which will reduce the price of your by 50% - shoes must be purchased in multiples of 2 ( 2, 4 6) - For more information you can go here

Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus - you can get free stuff for twins circus certificates for your twins if you sign up online before they turn one - they don't have an expiration date and kids usually appreciate the circus more when they're a little older - after you're registered send a copy of your twins birth certificates to Baby's First Circus Program , Feld Entertainment, Inc, 8607 Westwood Center Drive, VA, 22182 Fill out the online form here

Similac - Call 1-800-232-7677 for information on their Welcome Additions Club and to receive a welcome kit of coupons and samples. It's too confusing to sign up online for twins so call them and tell them your good news! (Join their welcome additions club online if you haven't already, they will send you tons of coupons, check vouchers for free formula, etc.)

White House Greetings - not twin specific but a fun thing to do - send your twins names, birthdate and your address to the White House to receive an official congratulations from the President - nice keepsake! Write to The White House Greeting Office Room 39, Washington D.C. 20500

Sassy , Inc 1-800-633-9111 Buy one, get one free, offer for a feeding utensil set or training cup. (they sent an order form for buy one, get one free.)
Spencers 1-800-633-9111 Growth chart, product booklet and coupons.

Stride Rite Stores - have discounts for multiples - ask for details in store (We don't have a store around here that I know of.)

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