Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Our family has been very sick the last several days: ear infections, eye infections, vomiting, fevers, colds. Ya, NO FUN!!! So I have been to the doctor's office several times and to the pharmacy for all 4 of my boys.
Anytime I need to get a prescription filled for the twins- there is ALWAYS a problem. I thought at first maybe it was where I was going so I tired another pharmacy. Same thing. The problem is when the pharmacist enters in our insurance info and the babies birthdate a message says "multiple people with birthdate". I explain we have twins. Then they enter in their middle names, and there is still a problem because their middle initials are the same. We call out insurance company and they are NO help at all, not surprised. The pharmacists are wonderful and try everything to get it to go through. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Does anyone else have problems filling prescriptions for their twins???? And what is the easiest way to go about it? Thanks.

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